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Wywiad z Willym Nortonem, wokalistą zespołu Neonfly – specjalnie dla Ziemi Dębickiej

Willy Norton, wokalista zespołu Neonfly, który w najbliższą sobotę zagra koncert na Czad Festiwalu w Straszęcinie. Fot. Profil FB zespołu Neonfly

Specjalnie dla naszego portalu wywiadu udzielił wokalista zespołu Neonfly Willy Norton.  Zamieszczamy go wersji oryginalnej – i prosimy naszych czytelników o pomoc w tłumaczeniu dla tych, którzy z angielskim mają kłopoty. Jeśli macie trochę czasu, dodajcie tłumaczenie w języku polskim w komentarzach na naszym profilu FB. Dziękujemy!
This is your first visit to Poland – so far associated to you our country?
This is our first visit to Poland as a band and needless to say we are really excited to be performing for Polish music fans.  We know how passionate Polish people are about music and we are looking forward to stoking their enthusiasm with our particular brand of heavy music.  Most of us have travelled to Poland in the past and have many happy memories and we have Polish friends in London so its great to visit their home country and spread the word about Neonfly!
In Poland, your music is known yet very few people, but looking at what can be found on the network you lack the fans. What kind of music you play?
We play a ferociously memorable type of song based heavy rock with a concentration on hyper melodic tunes and a self consciously deliberate focus on an 'epic’ delivery!  In short, kick-ass-super-melodic-metal with a brain.
Where did the idea to use the theme of culture of the Aztecs on your concerts?
It was a very organic process.  Our principal songwriter and guitarist, Frederick Thunder, is of part-Mexican descent and has a natural cultural affinity with his homeland – so that was a point of departure.  But coincidental to this was that when we started writing the album 'Strangers In Paradise’ we struck upon lyrical themes of invasion, imperialism, addiction and liberation that seemed to resonate within a central American context.  Allied with that was a concept of the discovery of the 'New World’ by European settlers as being in some way an negative infiltration of a hitherto unspoilt continent.  This early form of imperialism was something we were interested in and felt had parallels with today’s world. So we wrote an album about it and chose Aztec cultural iconography as an appropriate and visually stunning backdrop. That’s the answer!!
If you had five words to encourage Poles to come on your show then what would be the word?
Welcome. Every. Polish. Rock. Fan! OR Energy. Passion. Excitement. Melody. Fire!
You come from London, a city that in World War II suffered as few have. Something you say such names as Squadron 303, General Wladyslaw Sikorski?
The awful tragedy of Poland’s experiences during WWII are of course well known the world over and rightly remembered as a terrible chapter in World and Polish history, never to be repeated or forgotten.  A less known fact is the heroism of the Polish forces in exile during WWII – Squadron 303 played a major part in the battle of Britain and Gen. Sikorski did a huge amount to keep the dream of Polish freedom alive until his untimely and mysterious death.  Sadly the exploits of Squadron 303 and Gen. Sikorski are not as well known now in the UK as they should be – although a fantastic statue to Sikorski was unveiled in London 10 years ago.  If nothing else these people deserve to be remembered more prominently in Britain for their amazing bravery and loyalty to both Great Britain and Poland, in a time of utmost peril and trauma.  A celebration in song is always a good place to start maybe one day we might write a song on these subjects, it would be a small way of saying thank you to the Polish people who gave their lives for freedom.
How would you rate as the native British decision of your country to leave the European Union?
A major disappointment.  We are a band who although based in Britain are very Pro-European in outlook.  We have a lot of friends, fans and family in Europe – Europe as a concept and an ideal is something that is hugely important to us.  Anything that weakens bonds in continental Europe is a mistake and a step backwards.  The European Union for all of its faults is a group that brings peoples together and is therefore is a force for good….Like Rock’n’ Roll!!
Thank you for the conversation. I invite you to Polish .
Thanks. I invite you to our concert on Saturday to Straszęcin.

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